Virtual Programs – April

Teen Chat : Book & Media Discussion
Saturday, April 11th, 2020
2:00 to 3:30 PM
We’re all stuck at home at the moment, so let’s take some time to check-in with each other and talk about what you’ve been up to! What books have you been reading? What have you been watching? What villagers are on your Animal Crossing island? Meeting will be held via Google Meet; sign up to receive the link!
HTAG Meeting
April 17th, 2020
3:00 PM
Take part in a virtual meeting of the Hagaman Teen Advisory Group. Get updates from our Young Adult Librarian, ask questions, and let us know what you would like to see from us while the library remains closed – or what you’d like to see when re-open! Meeting will be held via Google Meet; sign up to receive the link! Space will be limited so make sure you sign-up in advance!
Dungeons & Dragons
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
3:00 to 5:00 PM
Our D&D sessions are going digital! Play Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition with us. Bring a premade 5th level character with you to the session or contact the young adult librarian to get a character! Meeting will be held via Google Meet; sign up to receive the link! Space will be limited so make sure you sign-up in advance!
Cut-Out Poetry Challenge
All Month!
April is national poetry month, so take some time to get creative and take our Cut-Out Poetry Challenge! Gather magazines and newspapers, cut out words and phrases from headlines and advertisements and arrange them to create a poem. Then, take a picture and send it either directly to our young adult librarian at [email protected] or share it to social media using #hmlpoetry. Some of our favorites will be shared on the Hagaman Memorial Library’s facebook page (with your permission, of course!).
Teen programs are open to all middle school and high school students.
To sign up for a program or to ask any questions, please contact our young adult librarian, Emily Kalotai, at [email protected].