Imagine Your Story – Teen Summer Reading

It will be a very special kind of summer, one we’re sure to remember forever! Although “in person” programs will not be meeting for a while longer, we continue our Hagaman tradition of daily events for kids of all ages, described on the website, as well as on the Facebook page for Hagaman Library. Our theme this summer is Imagine your Story!
While we can’t meet in person, there will be plenty happening online for teens this summer, including virtual Dungeons and Dragons, Online Game Nights, Poetry Night, and much more! Plus, if you want to let us know what programs you want to see and get updates about what’s coming soon, you can join us for virtual meetings of the Hagaman Teen Advisory Group every other Friday! Ms. Sascha also has some wonderful virtual programs for younger kids that you’ll learn about on Facebook and ReadSquared.
We’re excited about a new development: You’ll be able to track all your reading easily on ReadSquared at, where you’ll be rewarded for reading books, listening to audiobooks, writing reviews, sharing your own stories, attending events, and even liking our Facebook page! You’ll earn points towards a wide range of raffle prizes, including gift cards for cupcakes, pizza, bowling, and much more! Track your reading and library participation as described for each age group on ReadSquared, and soon you’ll be stacking up points for the random drawings in August. The more participation, the more chances to win.
Our Summer Reading Program runs from Monday, June 22 to Friday, August 7. Be sure to sign up for your own personal site on ReadSquared. We’ll continue to update the calendars with all of the new events. So fire up those imaginations! It’s going to be an amazing year.
If you have any questions or need more information, please call us at 203-468-3890 during posted hours, or reach out to me via email at [email protected].
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Ms. Emily