Want to make the Library a better place? Join HTAG or JTAG!

Are you a high school student looking for community service? Are you interested in making the library a better place? Do you like free food? Join the Hagaman Teen Advisory Group (HTAG)! Help us plan programs, play-test games, and make the library a better place to hang out! Free snacks are served. We meet weekly every Friday afternoon from 3:00 to 5:00 pm.
Are you a student in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade and still want to help the library out? The Junior Teen Advisory Group–JTAG–might be the club for you! After a hiatus, JTAG will be starting up again on September 5th from 5:30 to 7:30 pm, and will continue meeting the first Thursday of each month.
Have questions or want to sign up? Space is limited, so if you’re interested please email the Teen Services Librarian today @ [email protected].